土曜日, 5月 23, 2015

Car Rental - Economy Car Rentals

Car Rental - Economy Car Rentals

economy car rentalsCustomer zone Log off
Economy Car Rentals Damage Excess

Economy Car Rentals Theft & Damage Excess Protection

What is Deductible / Excess?

The common insurance package, a car rental company usually offers is the Collision Damage Waiver CDW including an excess/ deductible. The CDW limits the driver’s liability up to a certain amount (EXCESS/ DEDUCTIBLE) in case of damage to the rental vehicle (if the driver is liable for the accident) or theft of the whole rental vehicle. When the rental vehicle is returned in the same condition as picked up, the deposit will be released/ refunded to the driver’s credit card. We strongly recommend checking the car before leaving, double check if any existing damage is marked on the contract. You can also take pictures of the car before driving away.
Example: When booking a car the Excess/Deductible amount is 1000 EUR. Upon collection the main driver has to leave a deposit (in this case 1000 EUR) with his/her credit card. If in case of accidental damage or theft, an amount up to 1000 EUR will be charged, the rest will be covered from the Collision Damage Waiver (CDW). The amount of Excess/Deductible depends on the car category and the car rental company, this amount is mentioned in the Terms & Price details of each offer you can find on our website.
Complete Peace of MindEnjoy With Your Car Rental with our Damage Excess Product

What is theTheft & Damage Excess Protection?

This is a service of EconomyCarRentals offered to its customers, on a very low rate! By purchasing this service on the website, you will be reimbursed for any Excess / Deductible paid to the car rental company in case of damage or theft.
The Theft & Damage Excess protection policy covers:
  • Damage excess up to: 1500 EUR
  • Theft excess up to: 1500 EUR*
  • Roof up to: 250 EUR
  • Damages to all bodywork made by 3 named drivers on the rental agreement
  • No distance restrictions from main pick up location
NOTE: Maximum amount we will pay for each and every claim is 1500 EUR in total.
All reimbursements will be made in EUR.
*Theft protection covers only theft of the whole car, the keys must be returned to the station.

Is a deposit for the rental required if the Theft & Damage Excess Protection is purchased?

Yes, the main driver needs to leave a deposit when picking up the car, as theTheft & Damage Excess Protection is offered from EconomyCarRentals. The car rental company will follow the common rental procedure.
ExclusionsExclusions of Reimbursement of a Car Rental

Do I need to pay the deductible / excess to the car rental company?

Yes, in the unlucky event of damage or theft, the driver needs to pay the Excess / Deductible to the car rental company. After the rental the customer can claim a reimbursement of the Excess / Deductible amount from EconomyCarRentals.

Will the rental company offer me insurance to cover the excess/deductible?

Yes, upon collection of the car the representative of the car rental company always offers you extra optional insurances to reduce / eliminate the Excess/Deductible amount. When you have purchased the Theft & Damage Excess Protection from EconomyCarRentals, it is not necessary to purchase an Excess / Deductible waiver at the rental desk.

Does the Theft & Damage Excess Protection cover the whole car?

The Theft & Damage Excess Protection covers the excess of the Collision Damage Waiver except its exclusions. The common exclusions are illegal drinking and driving, gross negligence for example fuel error, incorrect use of the handbrake, mechanical damages (clutch, gearbox etc.), driving off road or on unsealed roads, underside, damages to lights, mirrors, windows, any part of the wheels/wheel rim/tire, keys and lock / door handle, antenna, towing charges and any damages caused during the towing away, loss of personal belongings, interior of the car, non-authorized driver, administration and immobilization fee paid to the car rental provider. Any damages due to vandalism, weather or natural disasters, any damage covered by your vehicle rental agreement.

What is the procedure to claim the excess amount from EconomyCarRentals?

Claims must be reported to Economy Car Rentals within 90 days after the rental end. It is very important to have as much information / documents as possible. Make pictures of the damage; note the date and the address/ street name where the damage / accident happened. It is very important to contact the local police in case of an accident involving a third party and obtain an incident report / police report. Some car rental companies require a police report, even if no other cars have been involved.
The following documents are required to have your excess refunded by EconomyCarRentals:
The original signed rental agreement, theft or damage report of the car rental company, police report (incident report), evidence of payments deducted from your credit card (receipt and credit card statement). All documentation has to be send by post to the headquarters of EconomyCarRentals.
The Theft & Damage Excess Protection is a service offered from EconomyCarRentals to make sure you are traveling with your peace of mind, this service cannot be removed from the booking. If the customer decides that this package is not required anymore, the booking can be amended.

Economy car rentals, zero Excess damage excess product

Economy car rentals, zero Excess damage excess product

economy car rentals

Latest News

Economy Car Rentals Damage Excess Relax

Economy Car Rentals Damage Excess - Relax Product

Excess is the first portion of the claim that will be kept in the event that the vehicle is damaged or stolen
Upon collection the car rental provider will withhold the estimated charge (excess and rental cost) against your credit card until the vehicle is returned.
In the event that the vehicle is damaged or stolen, the rental company will keep up to the excess amount from your credit card. 
Economy Car Rentals will refund you this cost, including damages to the glass, wheels, undercarriage and roof or keys. 
*Claims must be reported to EconomyCarRentals within 90 days after the rental end.

Complete Peace of MindRelax With Your Car Rental with our Damage Excess ProductOur damage excess refund policy covers:     
  • Damage excess up to: 1500 EUR  

  • Theft excess up to: 1500 EUR*

  • Glass up to: 350 EUR

  • Wheels/Tyres up to: 60 EUR per tyre

  • Undercarriage up to: 250 EUR

  • Roof up to: 300 EUR

  • Damage/Loss of keys up to: 150 EUR

    NOTE Maximum amount we will pay for each and every claim is1500 EUR in total.
    All reimbursements will be made in EUR.
    *Theft protection covers only theft of the whole car.   
Exclusions            Exclusions of Reimbursement of a Car RentalThe excess can be reclaimed
by providing us with a copy of the below documents by post:

• Rental agreement      • Theft or damage report       • Police report (if attendance)  
• Evidence of payments deducted from your credit card      • Declaration that you are not covered by the same loss from any other 3rd-party.

Some types of damages and accidents that occur as a result of certain situations are not covered, such as illegal drinking and driving, gross negligence like adding the wrong fuel, incorrect use of the handbrake, mechanical damages (clutch, gearbox etc.), damages to lock / door handle, antenna, off road driving and on unsealed roads, towing charges and any damages caused during the towing away, loss of personal belongings, interior of the car, non authorized driver, administration and immobilization fee paid to the car rental provider. EconomyCarRentals does not cover charges for situations that are breaking the terms of the rental agreement or charges which are not covered by the CDW of the car rental supplier.

General exclusions  
  • Any damages due to vandalism, weather or natural disasters

  • Any damage covered by your vehicle rental agreement. 

  • We wish you a pleasant and safe drive!!!Buy Your Cover Package

    Last Updated 2015-02-18

    日曜日, 5月 17, 2015


    □ 機票□護照(有效期限超過六個月)、簽證□備用護照用照片(2張)
    □旅行日程表、旅行社資料  □地圖(筆、螢光筆:標示路程用)  □接機人、電話:
    □住宿地點電話:□住宿地點傳真:  □住宿地點網址:
    □美金(與新台幣匯率):  □外幣(與新台幣匯率):  □旅行支票
    □公出差旅經費額度($/天):  □當地消費水準
    □海外旅行保險(單)  □國際駕照  □行李箱鑰匙、密碼

    □電腦(磁片/隨身碟、光碟機、滑鼠充電器)  □相機(電池、充電器、其他)□底片(記憶卡)
    □手機(系統頻率、電池、充電器)  □電壓轉換插頭:輸出 W
    □隨身聽(耳機、卡帶/CD、電池)  □錄音筆□PDA(充電器)、計算機
    □旅行用熨斗  □吹風機  □電湯匙
    □旅遊指南、地圖  □閱讀書籍、雜誌  □辭典、外語會話書籍
    □公事資料:  □公事包、手提包  □名片
    □重要待辦事項清單:  □紀念品、禮品:  □文具用品(草稿紙、便利貼、筆)

    □正式衣著(西裝、套裝):  套  □襯衫:  套  □正式皮鞋:  雙
    □領帶(夾)、飾品、領巾  □襪子:  雙  □其他:
    □休閒衣服:  件  □休閒長褲:  條  □休閒短褲、短裙:  件
    □休閒鞋、襪:  雙  □脫鞋  □帽子
    □遮陽傘  □輕便雨衣  □腰包
    □內衣:  件  □內褲、免洗內褲:  件  □襪子、免洗襪:  雙
    □睡衣  □短褲: 件  □其他:
    □盥洗用具(牙刷☆、梳子☆…)  □毛巾  □化妝品、香水、古龍水、噴霧水
    □生理用品  □刮鬍刀、刮鬍泡  □手帕、衛生紙、(濕)紙巾
    □針線包☆  □指甲刀、萬用刀  □洗滌用品、洗衣粉
    □塑膠袋、夾鏈袋  □小型衣架  □安全別針、長尾夾
    □安眠眼罩、耳罩  □鬧鐘  □手電筒、防煙(頭/口)罩
    □運動衣褲、運動鞋襪  □泳衣、泳褲、泳帽、蛙鏡  □防曬用品
    □海灘用涼鞋  □扇子  □小水瓶、保特瓶
    □夾克外套、風衣、雪衣  □毛衣  □衛生衣
    □圍巾、手套、雪帽、耳罩  □暖暖袋  □其他:
    □隱形眼鏡(清潔用具)  □太陽眼鏡  □老花眼鏡
    □望遠鏡  □手杖  □助聽器
    □軟式購物袋  □背包  □地址、電話號碼簿

    □ 習慣性用藥:

    □速食麵、杯麵、杯湯  □零食:  □口香糖
    □牙線、牙籤  □開罐器  □保溫水壺、保溫瓶
    □撲克牌☆  □其他:

    六、回 程
    □確認機票、護照  □確認到機場的方式、時間  □確認採購物品
    □家中、汽車、行李箱鑰匙、停車卡(隨身攜帶)  □備妥新台幣、零錢  □檢查行李箱(物品勿遺漏於旅館中)
    □檢查隨身行李  □備妥機場稅(外幣)  □提早Check-out
    □剩餘外幣(用完、換回、捐出、留作紀念)  □DFS大採購


    1. 越重的東西越要放在箱底,較早用的東西要放在較上層。
    2. 行李箱的蓋口不要放東西,以免行李箱在站立時,失去平衡而翻倒;或只能放塑膠袋、衛生紙等輕巧的物品。
    3. 行李箱背後拉鍊袋最適合放旅遊書、筆記本。
    4. 記得放個軟式的購物袋。
    5. 長程線的行李箱最好選硬殼的,除了可以寫東西,候機累了還可以拿來坐。
    6. 盥洗用品、化妝用品可分別用小袋子裝。不但空間整齊用起來也很方便。

    1. 怕衣服起皺,可將塑膠袋放在衣物裡面,鋪平後再一起捲起來放。這時不管如何擠壓,衣服也不容易皺。也可以在旅館浴缸內放一半熱水,再把衣物掛在浴室裡,不到半天或隔夜衣服就平整如新了。
    2. 高空飛行,腳腫了,坐長程線(4-6小時以上)飛機的人,一上飛機就可以把鞋子脫下來(穿上機上準備的襪套、拖鞋)。這並不是不禮貌的行為,而是飛機禮儀允許的。



    日曜日, 5月 10, 2015

    NBA.com: McGrady’s Big Finish Sends Rockets Past Spurs

    McGrady (center) was unstoppable
    down the stretch for the Rockets.
    Bill Baptist/NBAE/Getty Images
    Houston 81, San Antonio 80
    McGrady’s Big Finish Sends Rockets Past Spurs

    HOUSTON, Dec. 9 (Ticker) -- With a long losing streak against their Texas rivals, Tracy McGrady proved to be the difference for the Houston Rockets.

    NBA TV highlights from
    McGrady scored 13 of his 33 points in the final 35 seconds, including a game-winning 3-pointer with 1.7 seconds remaining as the Rockets snapped a seven-game slide against the San Antonio Spurs with an 81-80 triumph at the Toyota Center.

    "We got a miracle," Houston coach Jeff Van Gundy said. "You need miracles over the course of a season."

    "This really hasn't hit me," McGrady added. "I don't know how we won. I don't realize what I did. I can't tell you how many (3-pointers) I hit."

    Tim Duncan made the second of two free throws with 1:02 remaining to give San Antonio a 74-64 lead, sending a large number of Rockets fans toward the exits.

    "I noticed people leaving," Houston's Andre Barrett said. "We played the game for ourselves."

    "Those fans that walked out, and there were thousands of them, they missed a great game," McGrady said.

    Yao Ming tipped in a missed shot and Scott Padgett followed with a dunk to cut the lead to 74-68. The Rockets tried fouling, but Devin Brownmade four free throws around a 3-pointer by McGrady to keep San Antonio ahead, 78-71, with 31 seconds to go.

    But McGrady answered again, drawing contact from Duncan while hitting another 3-pointer. He made the ensuing free throw to complete a four-point play and reduce Houston's deficit to 78-75 with 24 seconds left.

    "I don't know how I got the ball up, Duncan's so tall," the 6-8 McGrady said. "But it fell for me. That shot got me going."

    "It was a pump play by Tracy and I got up in the air and fouled him," said Duncan, who was forced to cover McGrady on a switch. "He just made tough shots."

    Duncan widened the Spurs' lead to 80-75 with a pair of free throws eight seconds later. But McGrady responded with another shot from the arc with 11 seconds remaining, making it a one-possesion game.

    After San Antonio's final timeout, Brown received an inbounds pass in the front court but slipped and turned over the ball while driving on the baseline.

    "We didn't want to foul them when Devin Brown caught it," Van Gundy said. "Try to knock the ball free and, somehow, we got it."

    "I was pushed in the lower back, but I can't dwell on that," Brown said.

    McGrady scooped up the loose ball with seven seconds remaining and raced to the other end before pulling up at the top of the arc and burying the winning 3-pointer with just under two seconds remaining, giving Houston its third straight win and its first against San Antonio since December 3, 2002.

    McGrady, who was acquired by Houston in the offseason, never considered playing for the tie.

    "We were down two and the only thing I could think of was a 3-pointer," McGrady said. "I felt like anything I threw up was going in."

    "I haven't seen anybody do something like that," Brown said. "He was just hitting shot after shot. He was fantastic."

    McGrady, who had 17 points in the final quarter, shot 12-of-29 from the floor with eight rebounds and five steals.

    "It was a great game and we got sloppy at the end," San Antonio coach Gregg Popovich said. "Tracy took advantage of it and was unbelievable. He's a great player."

    "He's gifted," Van Gundy said. "He misses makeable ones and makes unmakeable ones."

    Yao added 27 points and 10 boards.

    "We're going to struggle to score right now," Van Gundy said. "We can't shoot. We're not tricking anybody. There's two around Yao and two around Tracy."

    Duncan scored 18 of his 26 points in the second half and collected 18 rebounds for San Antonio. The two-time MVP also had seven of the Spurs' season-high 12 blocks.

    Brown scored 20 points off the bench, including eight during a 15-2 run in the fourth quarter that gave the Spurs a 73-62 lead with 2:54 remaining. 

    NBA.com: McGrady’s Big Finish Sends Rockets Past Spurs

    月曜日, 5月 04, 2015

    How to Disable all (or some) notifications completely. :: Help and Tips

    How to Disable all (or some) notifications completely.
    I think this is the right forum to post this is.

    I have seen a lot of people complain about steam not allowing you to disable things like group event notifications, the notifications stealing focus from games (there is a button to disable in-game steam community in settings, but the problem with this is that you cannot take screenshots, trade, have the FPS counter etc.)
    I personally had this problem with me trying to speedrun games, I would screenshot the final score to steam, then getting added by some random scammer and it gets caught in the video that i'm recording to youtube, and you cannot even avoid that by going to offline mode.
    If not streaming you could disable internet completely during the session which could be quite inconvenient.

    So I was testing with things a little and found a solution for this.

    Removing all notifications completely

    1: You have to go to your steam folder, navigate to (Steam)\resource\styles
    -Copy steam.styles
    2: Go to (Steam)\Skins
    -Create a path of folders (Steam)\skins\<any name here>\resource\styles
    -Paste steam.styles

    3: Open steam.styles in (Steam)\skins\<folder name here>\resource\styles
    -Search for " Notification "

    -This is what you should find: (line 220-226)
    Notifications.PanelPosition "BottomRight"
    Notifications.PanelPosition "TopRight" [$OSX]
    Notifications.SlideDirection "Vertical"
    Notifications.FadeInTime "0.45"
    Notifications.FadeOutTime "0.45"
    Notifications.DisplayTime "6.0"
    Notifications.StackSize "3"

    -Replace it with this:
    Notifications.PanelPosition "BottomRight"
    Notifications.PanelPosition "TopRight" [$OSX]
    Notifications.SlideDirection "None"
    Notifications.FadeInTime "0"
    Notifications.FadeOutTime "0"
    Notifications.DisplayTime "0"
    Notifications.StackSize "0"

    Finishing up
    -Once all that is done go to steam settings, go to the tab " Interface "
    -There is a skin selection list there, you need to select the skin you named the folder as in the previous step. (if it's not in the list, you messed up.)
    -Once selected press OK and restart steam.

    Selectively removing unwanted notifications

    1: You have to go to your steam folder
    -Copy folder called " friends "
    2: Go to (Steam)\Skins
    -Create a path of folders (Steam)\skins\<any name here>\
    -Paste friends folder there

    List of files and fairly obvious functions:
    AchievementNotification.res ------- Achievement Unlocked
    broadcastapprovenotification.res -- Broadcast
    broadcastcantstartfriend.res ------ Broadcast
    broadcastinvitenotification.res --- Broadcast
    broadcastviewernotification.res --- Broadcast
    ChatInviteNotification.res -------- Invited to Group Chat
    ChatMsgNotification.res ----------- Chat Notification (in settings)
    ClanEventNotification.res --------- Group Event
    ClanInvitationNotification.res ---- Invited to Group
    FriendIngameNotification.res ------ Friend went Ingame (in settings)
    FriendInvitationNotification.res -- Invited as Friend
    FriendOnlineNotification.res ------ Friend went Online (in settings)
    GameInviteNotification.res -------- Invited to Game
    giftreceivednotification.res ------ New Gift
    itemreceivednotification.res ------ New Item
    newturnsnotification.res ---------- ?
    tradeinvitenotification.res ------- Invited to Trade
    To disable whatever type of notification, pretty sure you just have to open the file and remove everything and leave the following in there: (example if doing it to AchievementNotification.res)
    That should remove all notifications of that kind, or sometimes leaving a blank box floating around.

    Finishing up
    -Once all that is done go to steam settings, go to the tab " Interface "
    -There is a skin selection list there, you need to select the skin you named the folder as in the previous step. (if it's not in the list, you messed up.)
    -Once selected press OK and restart steam.
    Hope someone found this useful and that this works for most people.How to Disable all (or some) notifications completely. :: Help and Tips