( ESNUG 535 Item 1 ) -------------------------------------------- [12/20/13] Editor's Note: For non-U.S. readers, "Don't drink the Kool-Aid!" is a reference to when cult leader Jim Jones had his 900 followers drink Kool-Aid laced with cyanide in a mass suicide to follow Jones to heaven. "To drink the Kool-Aid" is to unquestionably believe something. - John ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Subject: CLKDA Isadore warns "Don't drink the SNPS/CDNS timing Kool-Aid!" > It is becoming almost impossible to close timing in all corners, given the > ambitious (and often conflicting) specs for power and frequency, process > variance, corner spread, large derates -- and the sheer number of PVT > combinations, aka sign-off deadlock. > > - from http://www.deepchip.com/items/0534-03.html From: [ Isadore Katz of CLKDA ] Hi John, I want to follow up with some "check to see if there is water in the pool before you dive in" warnings. There is a lot of confusion out there on: - what are corners, - the difference between traditional sign-off corners and global corners, - how derates work, and - how STA uses all of the above. WARNING: Synopsys and Cadence are pushing new capabilities in derates and timing that are NOT compatible with existing sign-off practices -- and these derates are NOT blessed by TSMC, Samsung, nor GlobalFoundries. Before you sign up to Synopsys or Cadence derates for sign-off, it pays to learn what this all means. ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- SIGN OFF AND DESIGN CORNERS Sign-off corners describe the boundaries of a semiconductor manufacturing process such that by designing to and signing off at their corners, your silicon can be guaranteed to work -- and yield is 'maximized'. Corners are determined through lot, wafer, and die measurements at the foundry. Fig 1.) Yield is the percentage of die that meets your target power (average energy) and frequency (max delay). Most importantly, sign-off corners are something that can be physically measured to see if a wafer or die is "good" or "bad". During wafer and chip fabrication, acceptance tests will include frequency measurements of ring oscillators and DC measurements of device or device arrays that must fall within your corner boundaries. The two graphics below illustrate how corners are derived in practice. Fig 2.) The original Shmoo, and a Shmoo scatter plot that's used to define corners. Corners are defined at the boundaries and center of the process. This corner information is incorporated into a SPICE model, which is in turn used to generate corner timing models for each library cell used in static timing. Corners are defined both for the front-end-of-line (FEOL) tranistor device, and back-end-of-line (BEOL) metal (cell personalization, power, ground, and interconnect). TRADITIONAL CORNER-BASED SIGNOFF AND DESIGN Historically, most SoCs used a corner based sign-off and design approach; except for GPUs and CPUs -- which are performance binned. The corners engineers discuss are based on the relative NFET and PFET speeds in a chip's transitors: slow-slow (SS), fast-fast (FF), slow-fast (SF), fast-slow (FS) plus typical-typical (TT). E.g. "FS" means "fast NFETs and slow PFETs". TT refers to both FETs being typical. In this model your approach is to design to and pass all corners. This means that you verified against all corners, and fixed the problems at each corner during optimization. This approach traditionally produces the highest yield, but sets your specification to the slowest (SS) corner for both frequency and power. To get better specs, many SoC houses are -- or are contemplating -- a shift away from this traditional corner-based sign-off. ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- DESIGN TO "TYPICAL" IS GAINING TRACTION The "new" alternate approach that's getting traction is design only to TT, but do corner-based sign-off. TT will produce a more compelling spec than SS. You verify at all the corners, but you only fix problems in TT. This will give the best specification -- but creates problems for yield and hitting volume production -- which impacts both price and availability. If you spec at TT, you may not get as many working parts. There are silicon architectural approaches which can ameliorate the impact of process corners, such as dynamic voltage scaling, but they do not eliminate them. However, with the increasing amount of variance and corners, this new TT approach is increasingly attractive. ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- GLOBAL CORNERS While analog and custom engineers have been familiar with global corners for years, it is a relatively new concept for digital designers -- particularly for sign-off and STA. The global corners (FFG/SSG) separate out all local on-die variance -- and only include global variance (die-to-die). Analog and custom designers use these corners to run Monte Carlo analysis to build robust structures. For STA, global corners are the basis for all of the advanced derates: AOCV, POCV, SOCV, Liberty Variance Format (LVF). The following graphic illustrates the relationship between global corners and traditional corners. Fig 3.) WARNING: global-corners-FFG/SSG-plus-3-sigma are outside of SS and FF !!! Global corners sit inside of the full corners. Global corners plus some amount of on-die variance (also called "local variance") equals the full corners. In TSMC terms, along with SS, FF, SF, FS, and TT for local corners, these global corners are called SSG, FFG, SFG, FSG, and TT. Five important notes about global corners: 1. You can NOT measure a global corner. Global corners are derived values, and there is always some local variation. You can measure global plus something, though! 2. A global-corner-plus-3-sigma does not equal a corner. It'll usually be outside the boundaries of 3 sigma, and is more conservative with respect to yield. The full corners are often defined as +/- 3 sigma yield. The nature of the statistical population is such that the global corners +/- 3 sigma do NOT sum up to the same distribution. 3. Every foundry has its own approach to extracting global corners, and you can NOT assume that they are equivalent. 4. Signing off with SSG or FFG does NOT mean wafer acceptance occurs at SSG or FFG. It will be at global corner +/- X (where "X" is a negotiated value with your foundry). 5. Perhaps most importantly, a global corner sign-off approach has to be agreed to and negotiated with the foundry. This is right at the heart of the specification-yield trade-off. Most foundry/customer agreements still rely on SS- and FF- based sign-off. DERATES, CORNERS AND MARGINING Margining is a way of measuring and representing factors in the timing flow that cannot be captured in delay or crosstalk; for example process variance, voltage drop, and clock jitter. Using global corners and the local variance parameters, SoC teams can now create process margin adjustments -- so-called "derates" (OCV, AOCV, POCV, SOCV, Liberty...). Many of the teams also add in adjustments for voltage variance -- particularly for use in analyzing the clock for hold-side violations, and clock noise, and jitter. Whether it is pure corners or TT based sign-off, the need to ensure yield at the highest possible spec has led to new approaches to account for process and voltage variance -- as well as clock jitter and insertion delay. This is what Jim Hogan describes as "Systematic Margining": "Systematic Margining reduces guard bands by replacing rule-of-thumb approaches with SPICE-accurate metrics to deliver a much more accurate margin analysis in libraries, which propagate to SoC level... Data, analytics, and tools are added to give a more accurate and complete picture of the actual performance and yield characteristics of a library, IP, or a full SoC design." - Jim Hogan of Vista Ventures in ESNUG 524 #4 So how do you design to these margin factors, and how and when do you apply them? This is partly a question of what guard-banding is needed for yield, but also what the STA tools can consume (more on that later). Here are the basic considerations related to Systematic Margining: - Clock-side derates are meant to be pessimistic with respect to hold violations. Full stop. Switching from OCV (a global factor) to AOCV, POCV or SOCV will be less pessimistic by taking into account path depth, but it is still adding pessimism. - Data-side derates can add or remove pessimism depending on which corners they are applied to. If they are applied to global corners (SSF, FFG), or TT, they have to add variance (remember a global corner is not a real corner -- it has local variance removed). If they are applied from the SS or FF corners, they will never go past the SS or FF corner. The corners are still the corners. - All derates can NOT be applied to all corners. - AOCV, which is a multiplier, can be applied to any corner. - POCV, which is a sigma/coefficient, can only be applied to global corners, and ties directly into your foundry agreements. - Liberty Variance Format (LVF) is raw sigma data that can be used to generate derates, coefficients or sigmas. And no one has published any data on SOCV, so it is unclear how it is used. - Device process variance is only one part of the equation. Clock- side derates can also include a voltage component to differentiate launch and capture clock. Traditionally, clock skew, noise and jitter were captured through STA insertion delay and clock uncertainty adjustments -- but these are also being pushed into the derate factor as well. Alternately, more detailed clock tree circuit simulation can be used to capture all of these effects. Fig 4.) Derate Comparison: Some Derates Only Work in Some Corners In addition, timing constraints based on corners can be very optimistic. Adjustments to the timing constraints, called constraint uncertainty, are also being added to libraries, or alternately the timing constraints are actually calculated using statistical methods. ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- HOW THIS ALL PLAYS WITH STATIC TIMING ANALYSIS Static Timing Analysis (STA) tools are both evolving and being applied very differently. Regardless of what corners or margining users want to apply, the two questions always come back: "Does my Synopsys or Cadence STA tool support it?" and "Can I use this capability in my physical design timing flow?" All STA tools, like Synopsys PrimeTime, Cadence ETS/Tempus, CLKDA Path FX, as well as the timing tools embedded in the Physical Design (PD) tools like Synopsys IC Compiler, Cadence Encounter, Mentor Olympus, AtopTech Aprisa bound what can or cannot be measured and how it is measured. For example, PrimeTime, Tempus/ETS are very capable tools, but they have limitations as well. And the timing engines in the physical design tools are strictly graph-based, which is starting to create an important mismatch as sign-off goes path-based. There are four key trends: 1. The shift to Path Based Sign-off More and more SoC teams have switched to path-based (PBA) sign-off versus the traditional graph-based (GBA) sign-off. Graph-based sign-off, while much faster by considering all paths at once, can be more pessimistic. (This is due to something called 'condensing' which determines which delay and slew are propagated forward in the graph when there is more than one path through a pin.) The default condensing behavior of most static timing analysis tools such as PrimeTime is worst/worst propagation -- which is inherently pessimistic since you may be combining the worst slew from one input and the worst delay from another. Path-based timing, which only considers only one path at a time, eliminates this problem and will find more timing slack. However, the shift to path-based (PBA) sign-off comes with a cost: - All current commercial physical design (PD) tools rely on GBA for optimization. The virtue of GBA sign-off was that it correlates well with GBA physical design results. - PBA will rarely produce the same path ordering or slack values as GBA because of condensing (not derate factors as some were misled to believe). This makes the feedback loop between sign-off and PD much more complicated. If you find a problem in PBA, and try and fix it in GBA, you may actually make timing worse! NOT GOOD!!! - This means that the final PBA sign-off and optimization loop will be very different from the core PD GBA optimization runs. The fact is that most PD tools were already miscorrelating with sign-off because of the sheer number of corners, derates, delay models and signal integrity -- but this GBA/PBA makes it all that much worse. 2. Liberty Variance and the emergence of full load/slew/arc derates Until recently STA tools were limited to either OCV, or AOCV. AOCV has had a known limitation which is that it only allows 8-values-per-cell regardless of the timing arc, load, or slew (rising/falling, early/late, clock/data). So while AOCV is an improvement over OCV, it still was either pessimistic or optimistic depending on which arc/load/slew point is selected. A new format, Liberty Variance, has been approved which adds full arc, load, slew support. This data can be used to generate a much richer and more accurate derate set. Reportedly both PrimeTime POCV and Tempus SOCV are adding this capability. AOCV can also be enhanced to take advantage of this capability, and eliminate the 8 value limitation. However, as we noted before, POCV and SOCV require global corner sign-off -- and this may not be an option for you and your foundry. 3. Handling analog effects in digital delays As I noted in the first part of this discussion in ESNUG 534 #3, digital delays are showing more analog effects. Miller capacitances on receivers, non-linear slews, clock tree noise, and low voltage operation can have a material impact on timing accuracy. TSMC was explicit at their last OIP conference that low voltage timing accuracy is a concern. 4. The glaring gap for interconnect variance. There is one glaring gap in the sign-off flow: BEOL variance. There is currently no way to model interconnect variance other than adding more corners. The Statistical SPEF (sSPEF) approach, which was applied at 40 nm and above, is not functioning at 20 nm and below for multiple reasons (like how to deal with dual patterning.) More importantly, corners do not always capture all the cases which could lead to missed timing violations. ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- CHECK FOR WATER BEFORE YOU DIVE INTO THE MARGINING POOL There is a lot of noise out there from Synopsys and Cadence about timing tools and they make some very big claims about speed and performance. It all sounds impressive. Along with that have come some new four letter acronyms like POCV and SOCV, and claims THEIR WAY is the superior way to better margin and timing -- though Synopsys and Cadence will NOT give you a lot of explanation about how POCV/SOCV really work, when they can be used, and what they really mean to the end user for yield and performance. Every day I have explain to some very smart people that everything is not what it seems. You cannot apply a global sigma based derate such as POCV or SOCV to your sign-off corners SS and FF. TSMC/Samsung/GlobalFoundries may not agree to your signing-off at global corners -- SSG and FFG. And be careful what you wish for -- SSG-plus-3-sigma can often be much more pessimistic than what you have today with SS. Your sign-off flow is about your yield. Be warned: Synopsys' and Cadence's yield interests aren't the same as yours. In short, don't drink the SNPS/CDNS timing Kool-Aid. - Isadore Katz CLK Design Automation Littleton, MAJoin Index Next->Item |
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